Consultant Oral Surgeon & Implantologist
Dr. Samer AL Mabrouk
Oral Surgeon & Implantologist
Academic Degrees and Qualifications
Dental Implant Fellowship of New York University ... USA
International Congress of Oral Implantologists Master Degree... USA
International Congress of Oral Implantologists Fellowship ... USA
Registered in the Jordanian Dental Association
as a Specialist in Oral Surgery and Implantology - Jordan
Oral Surgeon and Implantologist
Alexandria University - Egypt .. Score " Very Good "
Bachelor in General Dentistry and Oral Surgery
University of Jordan - Jordan Score " Very Good "
Secondary School Certificate Amman - Jordan
with a score of 95.8% Type your paragraph here
Reviewing Dental Journals on Monthly bases to keep up to date with the latest in Implants Field.
Attending Every Possible Activity related to Oral Surgery and Implantology in Jordan and Abroad , including National and International Congresses and Conferences .
So far , I visited the following countries for Workshops and Hands on :
United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon.
Reading Articles on weekly bases to enrich my knowledge related to implant dentistry.
Visiting Germany on Yearly Bases to attend Advanced Courses in Implantology and Bone Augmentation.
Continuing Education
Placing Dental Implants.
So far i used the following systems:
Noble, Biocare, ITI, Bicon, Friadent, 3i,Dentaurum,
Biohorizon, Dio, Vitane, TRI, ImplantSwiss and Neobiotic ...
Nobile Biocare , Biohorizon's and Dentaurum are mostly used.
Ridge and socket Preservation using Bone Grafts and Membrane after Exractions.
Sinus Lifting using Peizosurgey and Bone Grafting ... Direct and Indirect Approaches, with and without immediate implant placement.
Autogenous Bone Block Grafts using Chin and Ramus Endogenous Grafts.
Ridge Splitting in the anterior and posterior areas using Piezosurgery
Periapical Microsurgery Using Microscope and MTA Retrograde placement in Anterior and Posterior cases.
Wisdom Teeth Impactions local and general anesthesia
Laser Dentistry, using Diode lazer in Gingival corrections for veneers and Zircon Prostheses.
Exposure of Impacted Canines using Diode Laser for Orthodontic purposes.
I owned my Second Dental Center in Amman since 2007 till now, 3 Clinic,
also practicing surgery and implantology.
In 2014 , Ibn Al Haitham Implantology Center was Established, concentrating on advanced Implant surgeries.
I am a Visiting Surgeon and Implantologist in more than 15 private center and clinic here in amman , doing all minor operations and implant work.
Speaker and Clinical Supervisor in Comperhensive Implant Courses supervised by the Jordanian Dental Association
I owned my First Dental Center in Ramallah - Palestine since 2000 till 2005, 3 clinics.
I was the oral surgeon doing minor operations and Placing Dental Implants
In 2006 I joined the Arab Dental Center in Amman , worked for 1 year as an Oral Surgeon and Implantologist.
Apple Developer using Swift Language - still beginner.
Excellent Command of different creative softwares and
Director of Short Movies and trailers - Expert.
Developing my own Website , Clinic Software , Facebook Formal Page and
My Mobile Application.
Excellent Command of After Effects.
Excellent Command of Windows PCs and all relevant topics in Work
Excel, Powerpoint, Chrome, movie editing, and Web Page Design.
Excellent Command of Mac PCs and all related topics to
iMac ,Macbook Pro , Ipad and related application.
Computer Skills